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The Golden Guide for Mastering PUBG Mobile/PC [Chicken Dinner]

Pubg has gained a lot popularity in last few years and it have given a new approach to battle royale in our gaming community, well in this guide i have explained everything from basic to advance to master your pubg skills no matter weather you are on mobile or PC this thing is going to be helpful for everyone.

Master the Basics

·Remember to put away your weapon(the
X key on PC),meaning you can sprint six per cent faster.
。In the pre-game,take off your shoes!
Barefoot running is the same speed as
running with shoes,but you're noticeably quieter on most surfaces.
。To refuel,the vehicle needs to be 
completely static,but you can still refuel from within the car by right-clicking the cannister in your inventory.
。Use map markers at all times,and call out specific directions(numbers as well as North/South/East/West)when in a team.
。You can stay in the game's voice chat,but set your own chat to party-only-occasionally you'll overhear enemy teams who forgot to set theirs to private.
。Remember to toggle your rate of fire with the B key or left on the d-pad on console. 

。Big towns under the flight path are 
dangerous places to start,but normally 
have better loot.For the best chance of success,find small clusters of buildings right at the edge of parachuting range.
。The key things you want to find as soon as possible are the good-in-most-situations assault rifles(ARs),a backpack,a bulletproof vest,healing items,and a helmet-the higher level for these items,the better.
。All doors in the game start closed. If a door is open,someone's been there. If you leave a door open,you're telling the world you've been there too.
。There is fall damage,which occurs from jumping around two stories,with more damage the higher the fall.

。If you take fire from range and don't know where it's from,don't go prone-you just make yourself a sitting duck right in the enemy's line of sight.Instead,zig-zag and sprint until you get to cover and break line 
of sight.Getting over the brow of a hill is great for this,as is the classic'cheese it!' 
strategy in a vehicle (just drive away really fast).
·Always clear buildings(unless you're very rushed)before looting.It's very easy to bait people into feeling secure by leaving loot on the ground,then shoot them in the back.
。When fighting multiple enemies,ignore any that you down.They can't get up unless rescued,so prioritise the ones who can still attack you.
。Vehicles are great at covering large 
distances at speed,but draw huge amounts of attention with their noise.Use them wisely.

·Vehicles will roll down hills,and explode when they hit things at speed.Park sideways on sloped terrain to stop them rolling away,and if you crash get away from the vehicle ASAP.17.Not all scopes work
with all guns-you can't put the 8x Scope on the M16 for instance,which was made an exception for balance purposes.Likewise you can't put an 8x on SMGs.
·Learn which helmets can take which
amount of damage-a Kar98,the most
commonly found and used sniper,can kill you instantly with a headshot if you have a Level 2 helmet or below,but a level 3 helmet can take a hit.Note what helmet opponents have before you start trading sniper fire,as there's no point if you're at a disadvantage.
。After the beginning the game,pistols
are almost completely pointless-only
keep one if you either have the automstic pistol(P18C),which works like an SMG,or if you don't have good weapons or much ammo for them-otherwise,pistol ammo is wasting precious inventory space.

。Damaged high-level armour is actually often worse than undamaged low-level armour.Look at the number next to it in your inventory for a comparison.
。Avoid bridges like the plague if you need to cross one to get into the safe zone 
-there are almost always bridge trolls
(people waiting on them to kill you)when a bridge is a necessary route.Get there early, swim,or find a boat instead!
。Always move,even when looting or 
camping,just a little bit-it stops someone picking you off with an easy headshot, which happens surprisingly often.Just wiggle side to side or keep crouching and standing up.

Manually Activate Leaning 
When you go into your first game,you may think that leaning-one of the most useful features in PUBG-is absent from the mobile version.It is present however-you just need to turn it on.
This should be the VERY first thing you do before even loading into a game.To enable leaning,go to the Settings using the small cog symbol and,well,enable it.
Having this on means you give any other player as little area as possible to shoot, whilst being able to pick them off no problem.
PUBG Mobile certainly has its own quirks that you're going to need to master to reel in those chicken dinners left and right.But for a mobile game it's not far off the original,and any fan of the previous versions will find themselves right at home.

Watch the MAP to Track Gunfire
There's multiple reasons you need to pay  attention to the map in PUBG,all of which are going to help you survive longer.For starters you need to know where the playing area is,this is a basic part of PUBG but if you have no spatial awareness you're never going to get far.
Another reason you need to pay attention to the map is a reason specifically for PUBG Mobile.When people shoot near or around you,there's going to be a notification on the map in the top right corner that will tell you which direction the sound came from.It's orange and barely noticeable,so keep an eye out.
If someone is taking potshots and you 
don't know where they are,this is going to save your life.Normally on PC or console,headphones would act as your saving grace,but on mobile,when most people will not be playing with headphones in and some may not even be playing with sound,this is a feature you must take advantage 

Use Your Left Thumb To Shoot 
One of the things PUBG Mobile falls victim to is not really allowing you to both shoot and aim very well at the same time-if you're using your right thumb for both,anyway.
This will really screw you in a gunfight,
so make a point of shooting using the 
additional fire buttons on both the right and left side of the screen.
The one on the left in particular is very 
easy to miss,as your left thumb will almost always be hiding that side of the screen.
This may be a challenge for right hand 
dominant people,but using the left WILL save you.

Your First Few Games Are Filled 
With Bots,So Learn The Ropes
One of the most interesting things to come out about PUBG Mobile is the fact that yourfirst few games will be full of bots.
This is new for PUBG,as neither 
the console or PC versions feature 
A.I.whatsoever.The mobile version 
presumably does so to ease in newcomers,instead of having experienced players run all over them.The good news is as you play 
and progress,your games will be filled with more players than bots,and as you reach the end of the match it will usually only be real players.
The better news is that with this
knowledge,you can use your first few 
games as a trial run.You can get used to the very wonky controls as well as shooting 

The better news is that with this 
knowledge,you can use your first few 
games as a trial run.You can get used to the very wonky controls as well as shooting and aiming on such a small screen.
Chances are,even as you mess around and get used to things,you'll at least come very close to a chicken dinner.
Take advantage of the slow-paced first games against bots,and learn the best 
way to move forward as you face more challenging foes.

Activate Auto Run
Aout run is a pretty basic feature on other versions of PUBG,and it's almost essential when you need to get from one area of the map to another-
especially when covering long distances.How easy it is to activate on mobile may go over your head though,especially with your thumbs covering up a good portion of the
To enable auto run in motion is pretty
simple:When you push up to go forward,just KEEP your thumb moving up to where it's in line with the tiny sprint icon next to the map.Once there you can let go,and you will be locked into a sprinting animation without having to constantly be pressing
Also note that holstering your weapon by tapping on it again will make you run faster. Now get out there and run like the wind.

Use Freelook while Running to avoid being caught off gaurd
While using that previous tip and auto 
running around the map,you're going to be making yourself an easy target for other players.On PC you can free look while sprinting,allowing you to go in the same direction while keeping an eye on your six. This is still possible on mobile,although it's hidden in plain sight.To activate free look,you're going to want to took in the top right corner of yourscreen for another TINY eye icon.You cannot simply tap on it to activate free look
-instead you need to tap and drag to move the camera as you please,all while still going in the same direction.
This is essential to PUBG,to make sure you never get caught off guard by someone behind you.You're going to be moving around a hell of a lot,so always be aware of as many incoming angles as possible.

Play While Plugged In
One match of PUBG mobile ate exactly
half of the phone's charge,which means if you're lucky you can get two games out of a single charge of your phone.Not everyone is going to experience the same amount of battery drainage,but the best way to combat this is just having your phone plugged in while playing.It certainly seems like a no brainer,but it's safer to
warn than to go in without knowing.

Try out Gyroscope Controls(if you are a psychopath)
If for some reason you feel like making
aiming that bit more complex,there's an option to turn on gyroscope controls.These essentially give you a basic amount of motion controls with your phone. It's not going to be a drastic amount,as this
isn't the Wii. However,there will certainly be a range that you can look while moving your phone.Some people could find this useful,as it allows for a certain amount of fine aiming that using your fingers on the screen just doesn't.It can also be switched to only trigger while in a scope,so you can use it specifically to fine aim.Try it out for a game or two and see if you like it.In all honesty,you'll barely notice it's on for the most part if you play with stable 
hands.That little boost of fine aiming might just save your life though,so it can't hurt to try.

Remap buttons to what is most Usable
Since you're going to be working on such a small screen,everything is a bit of a cluster. As previously stated,you may find some things hiding under your thumbs or buttons might be too small and too close together.God bless those with big thumbs who are trying to play this game,as this may be a lifesaver.
You're actually able to move around 
buttons to areas that will be most 
comfortable while playing.It's an extremely useful feature considering the shoot and crouch buttons are painfully close to one another.
The amount of times you'll accidentally fire off a few rounds instead of taking cover is probably already driving you mad,so go ahead and create some space between them so you don't accidentally give away your position.

Always Flank From Behind 
As previously mentioned,one of the 
biggest gripes with PUBG Mobile is the controls.
As a result of not having the fine aiming capabilities of a mouse or the ability to swing a stick around to see behind you,if you get caught from behind,you are screwed.
There's just no way to effectively turn
around and take out the person gunning at you in time.
Because of this,you should always be 
trying to get behind anybody you see if the opportunity presents itself.It's going to catch them off guard and almost guarantee they die before even having the ability to turn around and return fire. 
PUBG Mobile just really doesn't allow for fast movements,as players often need a couple finger swipes to turn around,instead of a flick like on console or PC.This is just one more thing that can give you a major 
advantage in a gunfight.

Strategies for moving around the 

。With the arrival of version 1.0,you won't need to master the crouch-jump,as vaulting should take its place.That said, it's worth toggling the'Vault'command to something other than the regular 
'jump'(Spacebar)button,because there are certain things you can only scale the old-fashioned way.Learn what heights you can vault and scale for when you're in a pinch.
。Climb onto a roof from a balcony using Crouch-jump,by first opening the door, crouch-jumping onto it,and again from the top of the door to the roof.Great for sniping!Here's an example.

You can also make more difficult jumps between roofs by crouch-jumping onto railings or raised areas and running along them,too.
。You can shoot the M16 like a rapid-firing automatic weapon by using its burst fire mode,controlling the recoil and timing your clicks perfectly to do seriously fast DPS.

get the most out of your Medkits 

。There are only two ways to heal yourself back to 100 per cent-the very rare Medkit, which instantly heals you to 100 per cent after 10 seconds,and boost'items like Energy Drinks and Painkillers,which will heal you over time.
。Both bandages and First Aid Kits get your back to 75 per cent health,but First Aid Kits work instantly after the seven seconds of application,whilst bandages require multiple applications and heal over time,taking up to about a minute.Use bandages early on,when in a safe location,and save 
First Aid kits for a helping hand during 
late-game firefights.

。there is an optimal way to use bandages that lets you get more health out of them than you would from just spamming.
Healing from bandages happens over time, with your healthbar ticking up from the red to fill up the white.On the third tick of the health going up,start using the next bandage,for the most efficient use of time and resources.
Speaking of which,when a healing item
you're using is down to 0.5 seconds left on the timer,you can start moving without cancelling it,and you can now use healing items as a passenger in vehicles,but only when the vehicle is steady(so note when your mate's slamming it into trees and over

Grenade Tips and Inventry Tricks

。Different items take up different amounts of space in your inventory-First Aid Kits are bigger than bandages,for example. But this also applies to different types of grenades,with Frags smaller than Smoke and Stun grenades for example.
You can carry more by equiping the larger items,as equipped items and ammo that's loaded into your gun don't take up inventory space.If you want to free up a Frag-sized space for example,equip your Smoke or Stun grenade-but beware,if your inventory 
is full,you then won't be able to swap it
out for the Frag without using or dropping something!
·Contrary to popular belief,you can in 
fact put a pin back in a Frag grenade
in Battlegrounds.To do so,open your
inventory and drag the grenade from the grenade slot in the bottom right,to your storage column on the left.

how and when to hide or engage 

。Sneaking your way into the final few 
players is absolutely a good strategy-but it won't help you master the subtleties of combat.If you want to learn the feel of weapons and fighting,then spend a few games spawning in busy spots,as it'll pay off in the long run.
。If you do want to stealth your way to the win,hiding offshore in a boat,ideally behind a cliff where no one is likely to go looking,is a fantastic way to avoid being spotted.
With some spare fuel,you can normally
speed your way to many safe zones on the map.
。Jumping whilst melee attacking makes headshots easier,and yes,headshot punches do considerably more damage.
。If someone starts attacking you with
their bare hands,always fight it out.If you can land a headshot or two you can win the fight even if they get a headstart on working you over!
。Generally when trying to win a game,
unless you're looking for practise,just 
avoid combat.The rule of thumb is to only engage if you're near certain you can win the fight,or if you're unable to flee.This includes sniping people-don't take the shot unless you can also get the kill,otherwise you've given yourself away.
。Speaking of fleeing,it is easier than you might think.Zig-zag if you're on foot,and think in terms of breaking line of sight. People will only bother chasing you down under specific circumstances.This is especially true if you're in a vehicle-there's no point in hopping out to fight if you've already been knocked down to low health, just floor it!
。Having bad gear is really not the end 
of the world,so don't get greedy-what
matters is how you adapt to what you have:
if all you have is a Shotgun or SMG,then try to camp inside buildings and confined areas.If you just have a crossbow and a decent scope,avoid buildings like the plague and find a high spot for sniping.
All it takes is one kill for you to gain a 
significant amount of loot!

。If you're hiding in one of the little wooden huts and spot an incoming enemy,bursting out of the hut and firing at them is often better than waiting in there.If they're smart,
they'll either know someone's in there or try to clear it out with a grenade or shoot through the wooden door first.The element of surprise normally works better.

Final verdict

This is not the end there is lot more you can discover and after all skills comes with experience.
And remember "it's just not a game it's a battle Royale"  😂🤣

Don't forget comment down below if you have some more tips.

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