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Computer System Security Week 8 quiz Solution [Cyber Security course on Prutor.ai]

Here you will get all the assignment and quiz solutions of Computer System Security Course by prutor.ai under the category Cyber Security. Prutor is an online smart tutoring platform which provides various MOOC courses for student and organised by by IIT Kharagpur. At the end of each course student gets a certificate for sucessfull  completion of each course but throughout the course students have to pass all the weekly assignments and quizes.

 Q:1. Which of the following browsers is the least capable of detecting mixed content?

1. IE

2. Firefox

3. Safari

4. Chrome

Answer: Safari

Q:2. Which of the following browsers displays mixed-content dialog to user?

1. IE

2. Firefox

3. Safari

4. Chrome

Answer: 1. IE

Q:3. As per the lecture, for maximum security, passwords should be made up of:

1. Lower case letters only

2. Memorable names and dates

3. Upper case and lower-case letters, numbers and non letter characters

4. Upper case and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols

Answer: 4. Upper case and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols

Q:4. When accessing a website, which icon can be seen in the address bar to indicate that the website is secure?

1. An arrow

2. A padlock

3. A house

4. A shield

Answer: 2. A padlock

Q:5. If you share too much information on social media, what may you be at most risk of?

1. Phishing

2. Malware

3. Identity theft

4. Ransomware

Answer: 3. Identity theft

Q:6. Cookies were originally designed for

1. Client-side programming

2. Server-side programming

3. Both Client-side programming and Server-side programming

4. None of the mentioned

Answer: 2. Server-side programming

Q:7. What is the constraint on the data per cookie?

1. 16 KB

2. 8 KB

3. 4 KB

4. 2 KB

Answer: 3. 4 KB

Q:8. Which of the following is the maximum number of cookies that a browser can store?

1. 10 Cookies / Site

2. 20 Cookies / Site

3. 30 Cookies / Site

4. None of the above

Answer: 2. 20 Cookies / Site

Q:9. Which of the following is a use of cookies?

1. User Authentication

2. Personalization

3. User Tracking

4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

Q:10. If we set the secure attribute of the cookie equals to true, then which of the following is correct?

1. The browser will only send cookie back over HTTPS

2. The browser will only send cookie back over HTTP

3. The browser will send cookie back over both HTTPS & HTTP

4. None of the above

Answer: 4. None of the above

Q:11. SQL injection is an attack in which _________ code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server.

1. malicious

2. redundant

3. clean

4. non malicious

Answer: 1. malicious

Q:12. Point out the wrong statement:

1. SQL injection vulnerabilities occur whenever input is used in the construction of an SQL query without being adequately constrained or sanitized

2. SQL injection allows an attacker to access the SQL servers and execute SQL code under the privileges of the user used to connect to the database

3. The use of PL-SQL opens the door to SQL injection vulnerabilities

4. None of the mentioned statements is wrong

Answer: 3. The use of PL-SQL opens the door to SQL injection vulnerabilities

Q:13. A Web site that allows users to enter text, such as a comment or a name, and then stores it and later display it to other users, is potentially vulnerable to a kind of attack called a ___________________ attack.

1. Two-factor authentication

2. Cross-site request forgery

3. Cross-site scripting

4. Cross-site scoring scripting

Answer: 2. Cross-site request forgery

Q:14. Many applications use _________________ where two independent factors are used to identify a user.

1. Two-factor authentication

2. Cross-site request forgery

3. Cross-site scripting

4. Cross-site scoring scripting

Answer: 1. Two-factor authentication

Q:15. Which of the following is a good way to prevent SQL injection?

1. Use parameterized / prepared SQL

2. Use ORM framework

3. Both A and B

4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Both A and B

Computer System Security 8th Week Solution is given below. the solution of Computer System Security 7rd Week Solution and all the answers are correct.

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