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Best Heroes in Overwatch 2

Best Heroes in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2, a top-tier hero shooter from Blizzard, gained some new heroes on top of inheriting its predecessor's amazing and dynamic field of heroes. However, the new 5v5 meta in Overwatch 2 and the numerous modifications made to nearly every one of the 35 characters available to players have changed the meta from what it previously was.

After the first few weeks since Overwatch 2's release, the meta has started to stabilize, therefore we've updated our Overwatch 2 tier list of heroes to reflect this. These heroes vary from the greatest, most crucial picks for any team, to the least effective characters currently available.

In order to assist you get a complete picture of the current meta as you progress into the new Overwatch 2 era, we've published write-ups on each of the greatest characters in the game further below.

Tier list for Overwatch 2
While Blizzard has generally done a great job balancing all of these heroes—Overwatch 2 has a roster of 35 different heroes—there is usually a meta that develops.

Here is our Overwatch 2 tier list of heroes:

SGenji, Lucio, Moira, Sigma, Sojourn, Sombra, Zarya
AAna, Ashe, Baptiste, D.Va, Echo, Kiriko, Orisa, Roadhog, Soldier 76, Winston
BBrigitte, Junker Queen, Reaper, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zenyatta
CCassidy, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Mercy, Pharah, Wrecking Ball
DBastion, Doomfist, Symmetra

The heroes are arranged alphabetically rather than by ranking inside each tier. Also keep in mind that a hero may be placed low on our tier list, but it doesn't imply they are always unplayable. The fact that off-meta heroes like Pharaoh, Cassidy, and Bastion can be played so successfully in matches speaks something about how well Overwatch 2 is balanced.

View our most recent Overwatch 2 character list to learn more about the skills and playing strategies of each hero.

Who are Best Heroes in Overwatch 2 ?

Currently, Genji, Lucio, Moira, Sigma, Sojourn, Sombra, and Zarya are the greatest heroes in Overwatch 2. For various reasons, these seven heroes are all at the top of our Overwatch 2 tier ranking. The finest tanks in the game right now are Zarya and Sigma, who can both deal and take incredible amounts of damage for their squad. Genji, Sojourn, and Sombra each have incredibly potent techniques for upsetting and shredding the opponent team, and Lucio and Moira are among the most resilient and adaptable Support heroes in the whole Overwatch universe.

We'll go into more detail about the top characters in Overwatch 2, who we believe deserve to be at the top of our list of tiers, below. These heroes are listed in alphabetical order, just as the tier list.


Genji is a formidable force on the battlefield, even though he can't handle a lot of concentrated weaponry due to his tremendous mobility. Again, the new lack of stuns is at work here; in the past, heroes like Brigitte and Cassidy could counter Genji with a stun, but now Genji is much harder to catch.

Dragonblade poses the real threat when facing an adversary like Genji, and stopping her is becoming increasingly difficult. To end the rampage, you are essentially obliged to kill him, which may be incredibly challenging when he is dancing around and killing comrades left and right.


In Overwatch 2, Lucio is just as strong as he was in the first game. He follows a different path than many Support heroes in that his main party trick—the team's movement speed increase provided by his Crossfade—is what sets him apart from the pack. This mobility speed boost is crucial for general survivability as well as for quickly regrouping and re-entering combat, which is especially critical in Overwatch 2's more aggressive push-based engagements.

With his numerous healing effects and Ultimate, which grants 750 Over Health at the touch of a button, Lucio is surprisingly survivable, and even when his enemies outnumber him, he can still be a genuine problem. He goes great with a Support hero that is more concerned with healing, like Kiriko or Mercy.


In Overwatch 2, DPS Moira is still very much in vogue. She is surprisingly difficult for most heroes to defeat in a 1v1 battle thanks to her lock-on beam attack and self-healing ability, especially for a Support hero. Additionally, Moira can always utilize her Fade to safely flee if things start to become bad. One of Overwatch's most potent panic buttons, it even makes Moira a challenging target for devoted divers like Winston or Tracer.

She is truly the best of both worlds when you factor in how quickly she can heal foes, especially when she combines her basic heal with her fire-and-forget Biotic Orb. A strong healer with the ability to hold her own against strong Damage heroes and even flank and attack adversaries in the backline at any time.


It can be challenging to recognize Sigma's true potential in the new one-tank meta. He's not as overtly tanky and resilient as other heroes like Reinhardt or Zarya, but he's a great all-around brawler tank who acts as a tough counter to long-range snipers like Widow maker because of his Barrier and Kinetic Grasp. Basically, Sigma becomes more resilient the more projectile damage is directed at him.

Sigma has a stunningly high DPS potential thanks to his challenging primary strike, which causes good damage, and his Accretion boulder, which is quite helpful due to its momentary stun and ability to divert an enemy's attack. A decent Sigma can be very difficult to stop when he has a committed healer behind him. If the other team cannot counter Sigma, it will be even simpler for him to punish them with a well-placed Ultimate.


Since Sojourn's introduction at the start of Overwatch 2, she has quickly established herself at the top of the meta. She functions extremely similarly to Soldier: 76, with the exception that Sojourn's alt-fire beam is hitscan and Soldier's burst damage potential has travel time. At every level of play, a hitscan weapon with the ability to one-shot smaller adversaries is a highly powerful tool, especially when she uses her Ult to auto-charge the beam and force it to pierce targets.

Another potent weapon that is simple to underestimate is Sojourn's Disruptor Shot. It's powerful enough to destroy even tanks if they remain in its field of effect, making it ideal for clearing a chokepoint or other region. She therefore has a few really effective ways to do damage both individually and as a member of a team, and if she finds herself in trouble, she may quickly slide and jump into the position of a very difficult-to-hit victim to escape.


Even before Overwatch 2, Sombra recognized her talent as a hero and bestowed upon her a number of bonuses, including greatly increased damage to opponents that have been hacked. She now focuses far more on simply eliminating foes for good rather than trying to interrupt them. She is a very potent Damage hero in Overwatch 2 thanks to her high base DPS and the awareness of enemy positioning provided by her hacks and passive.

A very powerful synergy between Sombra and Kiriko is already beginning to take shape. Sombra can use her invisibility to go on a perilous flank, and Kiriko can support her at any time with her teleport and healing. It's terrifying to deal with, and it only elevates Sombra to a more prominent position in the meta than she has held in the past.


A good Zarya is incredibly challenging to stop, especially when supported by a team that knows how to play around her. Zarya's two Bubble abilities, which may be utilised to temporarily shield herself or an ally, are her best feature. While active, every damage that these bubbles take will boost Zarya's primary weapon's damage. Because of this, either adversaries target her bubble, turning her become a ferociously powerful Tank who can wipe out entire teams with her beam, or they are compelled to entirely ignore any bubbled targets, allowing them to wreak havoc as they choose.

Graviton Surge, Zarya's Ultimate power, is yet another very hazardous power. Although it requires some coordination to be most successful, it offers her entire team the ideal chance to use all of their most devastating skills against the unfortunate enemy caught in the black hole, frequently resulting in an easy team wipe.

This concludes our overview of the top characters in Overwatch 2. Hopefully, the tier list above gave you some insight into the current metagame. Check out our tutorial on how to unlock heroes in Overwatch 2 if you're a new player and want to start playing as these top-tier characters. Our advice on how to level up quickly in Overwatch 2 will also be helpful to you. Alternatively, if you previously played Overwatch, we can quickly catch you up with our list of the main Overwatch 2 updates.

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