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Computer System Security Week 10 quiz Solution [Cyber Security course on Prutor.ai]

Here you will get all the assignment and quiz solutions of Computer System Security Course by prutor.ai under the category Cyber Security. Prutor is an online smart tutoring platform which provides various MOOC courses for student and organised by by IIT Kharagpur. At the end of each course student gets a certificate for sucessfull  completion of each course but throughout the course students have to pass all the weekly assignments and quizes.


Q:1. Which of the following is false for RSA algorithm :-

1. Security of RSA depends on problem of factoring large number

2. In software, RSA is 100 times slower than DES

3. In hardware, RSA is 10 times slower than DES

4. RSA can be faster than the symmetric algorithm

Answer:- 3. In hardware, RSA is 10 times slower than DES

Q:2. Which of the follwoing is true :-

1. The receiver can verify signature using public key

2. Public key is used to encrypt the message

3. Message is send without any key

4. public key cryptography is symmetric cryptography

Answer:-1. The receiver can verify signature using public key

Q:3. A cryptographic hash functions are :

1. Easy to compute

2. Used in creating digital fingerprint

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of the above

Answer:- 3. Both 1 and 2

Q:4. In public key distribution :-

1. Public keys are published in a database

2. Receiver decrypts the message using their private key

3. Sender gets receiver’s public key from databse

4. All of the above

Answer:- 4. All of the above

Q:5. Some of cryptography protocols are :-

1. SSL

2. SET

3. IPSec

4. All of the above

Answer:- 4. All of the above

Q:6. Which of the following is true of SSL(Secured Socket Layer) :-

1. Client authentication is compulsary

2. It is developed by Netscape

3. Connection is need not be encrypted

4. All of the above

Answer:- 2. It is developed by Netscape

Q:7. The OSI model has :-

1. 8 Layers

2. IP Sec protocol in network layer

3. SSL protocol in application layer

4. All of the above

Answer:- 2. IP Sec protocol in network layer

Q:8. In OSI Model :-

1. routing takes place in network layer

2. Physical layer transmits and receives unstructured raw data

3. HTTP is application level protocol

4. All of the above

Answer:- 4. All of the above

Q:9. A public key certificate contains :-

1. Private and public key of the entity being certified

2. Digital signature algorithm id

3. Identity of the receiver

4. Both 1 and 2

Answer:- 4. Both 1 and 2

Q:10. In HTTP model, content being sent might be changed by a third person

1. True

2. False

Answer:- 1. True

Q:11. The TLS is developed by Microsoft

1. True

2. False

Answer:- 2. False

Q:12. Which of the following is false :-

1. There are 13 root servers in the world

2. DoS attack was performed on them in 2007

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of the above

Answer:- 3. Both 1 and 2

Q:13. DNS cache poisoning is

1. Entering false information into DNS cache

2. Also known as DNS spoofing

3. where raffic goes to wrong website

4. All of the above

Answer:- 4. All of the above

Q:14. DNS servers generally use UDP protocol

1. True

2. False

Answer:- 1. True

Q:15. Which of the following is wrong :-

1. DNSSEC provides mechanism to authenticate servers and requests

2. DNSSEC protects from data spoofing

3. Public key is needed for DNSSEC

4. None of the above

Answer:- 3. Public key is needed for DNSSEC

Computer System Security 10th Week Solution is given below. the solution of Computer System Security 7rd Week Solution and all the answers are correct.

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